Saturday, January 23, 2010


We found a shell at the beach yesterday and I brought it home because it reminded us of a pitcher. We were wondering if it could have inspired the first person to make that shaped pitcher or if we are inspired by our knowledge of pitchers. Chicken and egg type discussion.

I seem to have posted a bit lately about visits to the beach, what with Sag Bay, Lorne and Green Point. This is all a bit surprising for me as I rarely go to the beach, especially in recent years.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Mary. Wonderful blog! I took a quick look/read through it. I especially liked the shots of the dangerous signs from Lorne. I took very similiar pictures there myself. Just wanted to say that I enjoyed visiting with you in the US. Take care! Julie

Mary said...

Thanks Julie,
I enjoyed our dinner together too. I hope your trip was successful.

parlance said...

I think it looks just like a Greek urn and I'm convinced the first prototype must have been based on a shell.