Monday, November 12, 2012

Dyeing with Mulberries part 2

Well, I took the fabric out of the dye today - it had been soaking for close to 24 hours.  I rinsed it thoroughly (I still have trouble with the amount of water that this takes, drought hang-over I suppose).  Then I hung it out to dry.
The colour is rather lovely.  A couple of the pieces have blue areas and I'm not sure why.  Perhaps it came from the piece of brick I put in to keep the fabric under the dye.  I have used it previously and it may have had some residue from other dyeing.
I did not move the fabric around in the dyepot as I wanted it to have a little bit of texture.
The different fabrics took up the colour differently but they are all lovely.

Velvet, habutai, crinkle silk and organza.  All silk.

Blue stains on the velvet silk

Blue stains on the habutai silk


parlance said...

Aren't bricks made of clay? Maybe something in the brick reacted with the dye.

linda said...

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your input. I am urgently looking for dyed mulberry fabric for an art project. Do you know where I could buy some? It's not easy to find some in Germany.

Thank you very much and best regards

Mary said...

Hi Linda, I am sorry, I don't know where you might get any. Perhaps you could try an eco-dying group in your area. There are quite a few online on Facebook, I think.

Mary said...

Hello again Linda, I am not sure if you are looking for mulberry fabric. I dyed silk fabric using mulberries.