Friday, January 15, 2016

Still playing around with the sunset images

I had to post today, it is 15/1/16.

I have done more on my banner quilt.  I laid out the scraps and sewed them on. I did use Vliesofix to hold them in place. The background was looking rather boring really, so I had to give it a focal point.
The image that inspired me had the city at the bottom. But that was a landscape image and would not work so well with the portrait orientation. (You can just see my printout beside the fabric.)

I cut up some paper to see what I might do.

I have decided the tree will be a much better way to go, it covers more of the background.

Now to go through my photos and find a tree image that I can use. I used Photoshop to cut, crop and take out the colour.

Then I'll have to work out the size I want and print it out so I can trace it. No freehand drawing for me, I never like what I produce that way.

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