Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Small progress

Despite the heat, I did manage to do an hour or so of my small tapestry. I have been keeping the blinds down in the room as it faces east and gets the morning sun. Once the sun (or the earth, I suppose) has moved enough, I open the blinds and try to do a little. 

Progress pics from the last few days. 

It is really rather unplanned, I am just playing around and making it up as I go, sort of. Not having had any colour on the cartoon, the outcome is nothing like I had imagined - if I bothered to imagine at all.

It is rather relaxing not even having a proper cartoon to work from! 

And ... I have just noticed that I see a cow's face emerging on the right. Definitely not planned. It may disappear as I progress, I suppose. I think this tendency is called face pareidolia - not that always see human faces!

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