Saturday, December 13, 2014

Playing around with pattern

A blog I visit regularly has a couple of posts about growing a tree fern and it reminded me of an exercise I did recently for my design course.
I took a photo of a fern frond - not even a very good one, it was a windy day - and then cropped it.

I did some of the flip, slide, turn thing again and came up with some cute little patterns.

Still not sure what I would do in terms of stitch with it but it was fun and I got some interesting images.

After that, I was making lunch one day and noticed that the little bit of tomato that was left had an interesting pattern in it. So I took a photo and played around with that too.

Image cut, rotated and flipped - to make a symmetrical image.

I cropped a bit of the symmetrical image then played around with the filters.

Then I cropped a different part of the symmetrical image and flipped, rotated and slid some more. 
The possibilities are endless!!!


mycamerandme365 said...

It looks like you are having a lot of fun Mary! Just the sort of thing that I like to do with Photoshop.

theregatha said...

OMG so beautiful, makes me want to get back to my PINK study

Mary said...

Thanks ladies, the computer is great when you can't easily access your textile supplies - renovations still going on, sigh.