Sunday, December 30, 2012

Needlepoint tapestry

Debbie Herd has recently posted about a needlepoint tapestry artist. This inspired me to have a closer look at a needlepoint tapestry that I have hanging on my wall. It was a kit that I bought when travelling in England (it must have been the 1980s).
It took me 4 years of sitting in front of the television to get it done. (I really depend on that music that tells me something important is about to happen, look up now!)
I have recently moved it to a new position in and look at it much more often now.  One thing I have noticed is how much it looks like it is adapted from a tapestry weaving.  The shadows and folds of the dresses all appear to suit weaving.
I have searched on the internet to see if it is adapted from a famous artwork but am not having much luck.  I think it is called The Four Seasons, or Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.  But nothing pops up.  I would love to know what the design is based on.

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