Monday, November 14, 2022

Totally unscientific

 Today several of the stink lilies opened the flowers and I had to remove the stamens. 

It rained a lot today, so I went out between showers, towards late afternoon. I found some of the equipment that has been in the glasshouse for a year, if not two. (Since I used it.)

I decided to just see what happens. I put some of the silk into a pot with a flower. Another pot was heated and silk and flowers put in. 

I also put some flower and silk into a jar. That will be left for a couple of weeks. A day ago, I could have said that the summery weather would deal with heating it up but there has been a cool change, so I will have to wait a bit longer for the warmer weather to reappear. Not that I am anxious for it, I much prefer it cool rather than hot, especially in this humid weather. 

So far, the heated water is showing some colour that is seeming to dye the silk. I will leave it overnight, perhaps I will reheat it tomorrow. Then I might rinse it out and see if the colour has attached to the silk. I did use alum as a mordant, in the hopes of a richer colour. 

I have absolutely no plans for the fabric, I am just trying to reignite my interest in eco-dyeing - and use the flowers that are currently there. Also, there is a variety of silk fabrics and they seem to be taking the colour up differently. 

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