Monday, November 21, 2022

Some Success

 Today had a slightly more positive outcome. 

I had left some silk fabric in a jar, just sitting in the glasshouse. As our weather has been unseasonably cold and wet, the jar has not heated up a lot. But there has been sunshine, so it has had some warmth. 

I took the fabric out today - some colour!!

And there was a little dye bath left. So I have put some of the failed-to-dye fabric in the jar with the plant leftover which still has colour in it. 

I am hoping something will happen but am not being very scientific about it.

The stink lilies were still flowering but today's high winds and heavy rain broke some of the plants so I have taken the stamens out and pulled the flowers off. I will try, yet again, to get some fabric coloured. But this time I won't bother heating it artificially, I'll let the sun do the work - if is shines. 

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