Thursday, December 9, 2021

Out and About

 I have been to a couple of exhibitions in the last few days - trying to get some creative interest going but also to see some wonderful work! 

Yesterday I went to the Australian Tapestry Workshop to see the Kate Derum and Irene Davies awards for small tapestries. I had seen the online exhibition and opening but it was SO much better to see it in person. 

I thought the voting for the public's awards was shut but found this on Facebook just now: it is a link to the event and then the voting button is further down. 

Having seen them in person, I was able to go back and see them and know which ones resonated with me when I could almost touch them. So I have voted. 

I actually know a few of the people who have put works into the exhibition but I didn't let that influence me, I went with the one that had the most to say to me. (No, I am not going to say what I voted for.) 

I saw one piece by K Spoering and thought, I know that name! Then I realised that is it someone whose blog I have followed for years! 

I took some photos but didn't get the names of the artists, so I won't post here. You will just have to go the site to see them. 

However, I did get the names of some artists at the AQIPP exhibition that I visited the day before. I have posted already about the wonderful online recording that is available but, as usual, there is nothing quite like being there in person. 

The exhibition has been extended till February, so take the chance to visit, if you can.

There was a great variety of interpretations and techniques. I found it very inspiring. A lot of the artists were affected by the lockdowns caused by Covid 19. Some were sadder than others. But they were all very interesting. 

I really liked the piece of dyed silk that wafted over the background. 

This one was interesting to me, especially, as I have recently done the Cas Holmes online course and there was quite a focus on using paper collage as the background. 

I found the artist statement 'spoke' to me. And the combination of machine and hand sewing was lovely. 

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