Saturday, November 13, 2021

Amazing Virtual Tour AQIPP

 I received this link today: AQIPP 2021

The AQIPP show is at the Box Hill Town Hall, not far away. I will try to see it in person soon.

Here is a screen shot of my piece, from the virtual tour.

Mine is the middle one, of course, the one you can see all of. 
I don't know that names of the other artists, hopefully I can find out when I visit. 

The virtual tour is amazing - how much has technology advanced in our lives recently?? And how much have we learnt to use it? It has allowed people to attend events that they otherwise would not have seen. Today I attended a Zoom meeting for our local tapestry weaving group and one person was in NSW, she is very unlikely to be able to get to our small in person meetings. 

I also got to the Handweavers and Spinners Guild to pick up my tapestry from the Bendigo Wool show, which was cancelled the day before the public could go, in June or July (it is so long ago that I can't remember). 

There was a certificate and ribbon with it - very pleasing. 

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