Thursday, January 21, 2021

21/1/21 How can I resist??

 Fortunately, I have something to blog about - albeit a bit disappointing for me. I have STILL not found my blackwork embroidery folder. We were supposed to hand it in in October but Covid changed that - it is due in tomorrow!

As it was a strange year, we did it by email. I therefore have all the notes, images, etc, photographed and scanned. So I am going to hand it all in tomorrow - minus the actual pieces. It is all very sad - seeing all the pictures of my work has brought it all back to me. I had totally stalled in my creativity when I lost the folder!!! 

I did move on, eventually. I did my tapestry weaving (thank goodness for challenges, you have a theme and can work on that, not having to come up with totally new ideas!).  It is finished now - and I have taken note of where I put it!!!! Now I just have to remember to send it when the time comes. 

I also joined Stitch Club and have been looking at the various prompts to get you going. One spoke to me. I have spent HOURS working on it. It is the crumpled paper, abstract design. I have now finished my third (yes, 3) blackwork piece - not that this one was blackwork, it was blackwork designs done in colour. 

I spent hours on the embroidery and then printing out all the notes. But I will actually have something physical to hand in, that is good. 

But the reminder of all that lost work has started me up again, thinking about where the folder could possibly be. I live in hope that, once we have been through the assessment stage, and I have handed in what I could, and it is all over red rover, that it will turn up. 

I have enrolled for a course at the Embroiderers Guild this coming Saturday, I have to find lots of bits and pieces. Maybe I'll find the folder then - when it is too late! But then I will have my needle case and my bag for putting on my magnifying glass that attaches to my daylight lamp. That would be nice. 

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