Monday, May 26, 2014

Doodling the alphabet

I am still working on ideas for teaching handwriting, trying to make it interesting - for the student and for me!

I am still not confident of my drawing skills so have been using some outlines from 123RF. I found a couple I liked and have filled them in with doodles.

I have been trying out various patterns that might suit the correct letter formation. Because we are doing letters with similar formations, I am finding that the patterns are getting rather repetitive.

The ants have turned out looking a little like spiders because of the patterns, something to work on in the future.

I had forgotten that I had done the letter D hidden amongst the doodles, I will try to make a few to go with the letters I am now doing to make a little alphabet book.

A letter a day doesn't take long, very restful to do just before sleep.

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