Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Tiny embroideries. And lots of 2s.

 I had to post today, it is 2/2/22!! And you can do the date D/M/Y (as we do here in Australia) or M/D/Y (which I have never understood the logic of). I have scheduled it for 2 am! 

Anyway, onto creative matters. I have done another tiny machine embroidery. It is slightly smaller than the previous one. Once again, I have used the silk organza that I collected from the scraps, they are in a separate bag from the class scraps that I initially collected, these were ones that people in the class couldn't comprehend that I might want. The pieces are tiny!! I'll never be able to throw anything out again. 

I think the silk is making it easier as it is very light and not adding to the thickness too much. I may find out more about that later, if I keep experimenting. I'm hoping to try another this afternoon. I just had to make sure that I remember to post today today. 

The fern didn't turn out quite how I envisaged it but it is so small that it doesn't really matter - and I have to keep reminding myself that I am learning, don't have to be able to produce great things straight away. Or ever, really. I just have to enjoy the process. 

Now it is later and I have done another. I found a piece of silk that looked like mountains - it was a plant print in reality. Because it had such a strong image, there wasn't much sewing needed, just enough to hold it down. And some little features. It is actually probably too big for a doll's house, depending on the size of the house, of course. Ah well, time to have another go soon. 

If they are destined for the drawer, it will be a small drawer anyway. Not like lots of old UFOs (WIPs) taking up too much space. 

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