Sunday, February 20, 2022

I've been reminded that it is 20/2/2022 today.

 As the heading says, today is 20/2/2022 or 20/2/22. Still lots of 2s! 

What to post about?? 

I have put away my tapestry wools for the moment as I have finished my small tapestry. But it is so small that there is a whole lot of warp available above it, so I am considering doing another at this warp sett. 

I have a picture of a leaf that I saw on the ground, I am considering doing that. I may even be adventurous, for me, and do a shaped piece. I will take some time to consider it, but not too long because I will want to get the first piece off the loom. 

I also have some gorgeous silk threads that I got somewhere, sometime. I am thinking about how to use them, they are the right colours, mostly. Of course, I will still use the ATW wools as the basis, silk is a bit too slippery for proper bedding down. 

The different thicknesses will be my excuse for having to do eccentric weave at times, the sort that doesn't match up with the weaving around it - well, that's how it works for me. 

Now to look up how to do shaped pieces, how to hitch on, etc. I think it is fairly straightforward but I will look up my notes and books, just to be sure. It will the the first hitching on method I learnt, not the small tapestry hitching on that I commonly use now. I have talked about both here, when I was still doing the textile course. 

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