Saturday, February 13, 2021

Missed the correct day but still posting.

 Yesterday was 12/2/21. I just have to put that one up.

It was a momentous day for us here in Melbourne, we are back in hard lockdown - but only for 5 days, hopefully.

Not wanting to have to wear a mask while doing my allowed walk outside, I have done a little bit more sewing. I am still playing around with the postcards. The people who get today's effort will be privileged. I will not do this one again! 

It involved tedious cutting, tedious sewing that required lots of stopping and starting while I went around the fiddly edges. I used a variegated cotton that didn't like being twisted when I changed directions. Lots of rethreading required. Thank goodness I had my machine serviced lately and the needle threader was fixed. It has been broken for almost a year, I had it booked in last March but then lockdown happened and shops were shut, the workshop I was intending to attend was cancelled, etc. Luckily I got inspired a few weeks ago and had it done. 

The colours on this piece of sample fabric didn't come out as bright/dark as the previous one, so it is not as successful. But it was challenging and I hope the recipients like them.  

I used some bag stiffener on the back for these two. I hope I can write the address on it, when I get to that point of the process. 

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