Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Doing Blackwork

Today's date: 20/5/20.
Where does the time go? Oh yes, we are in lockdown, even though it is easing. I think it is easing for younger people more, us oldies still have to be careful and not take risks.

Anyway, I have enrolled for a correspondence blackwork intermediate course through the Embroiderers Guild, Victoria. It hasn't got me in as much as my tapestry weaving did but I am hopeful.

The lockdown laws are eased a little but that hasn't made any obvious changes to my life yet, just the chance for a couple of non-emergency (thank goodness) appointments.

So ... the blackwork.
We are currently on the module in which you design your own motifs. I have quite enjoyed that even though it is a bit more precise than I am used to doing. It reminds me of the doodling but you do it on graph paper. And then you have to translate that to the fabric. This is where you discover if your design wasn't quite accurate!

I did the first of my own design motifs today (and yesterday - as I said, it is slow!). It was cool but sunny so I sat in the glasshouse to take advantage of the lovely weather.  And it is very peaceful there.

It has a bit of a space module feel to it, to me. But that's ok, I am quite fond of science fiction.

I thought I would put in some links to past posts about doodling and blackwork. As I often say, this blog is a visual diary for me - searchable. I came across some great links (for me) and was reminded of things that I have done in the past that are relevant. Eg, here.
(I am putting this in for me - so I can find it again.)

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