Monday, April 13, 2020

Making progress - slowly

I thought I had better post as my blog has been mentioned in a post about the Vision 2020 Textile challenge organised by Brenda Gael Smith.
All the images are now online. Sadly, the exhibitions they were going to be shown at in the near future are cancelled. There are some scheduled for later in the year, in the USA and Australia, so perhaps they will get to be seen 'in the flesh'.
I hope so.

Anyway, I am not going to post about that work - I am still working steadily on my small tapestry. Actually, for me it is a large tapestry but I am in contact with my tapestry teachers on a group that is relatively active at the moment, partly due to social interactions being so necessary.
Anyway, she showed us a series she is working on and she called them small tapestries - the same size as mine!! A3 approximately.

Cresside will be much faster than I as a weaver, however, she has done several in her series. I will be content when I finish this one! So far I have taken about 30 hours and I am about 2/3 of the way through.
I have been slowed down a little by the fact that I got the tree limbs mixed up, had to change my cartoon on the run and am making the colours up as I go. But I am relatively happy with the progress.

I can see something that I would change if it weren't soo far back and would require unpicking most of the tapestry. I will just have to live with it.

So, here is my progress image. (Oops, just saw another thing wrong, going to ignore that too, see if I can fix it when it is finished.)


mycamerandme365 said...

I love the background colours Mary!

Mary said...

Thanks, I think I am getting it done ok, despite not doing a proper cartoon. It requires sideways looking, maybe that is the secret.

mycamerandme365 said...

Like drawing from a subject that is upside down so that you don't draw what you think you see, but what you are actually seeing.

Mary said...

Yes, that is quite apt! I find that I work on a small part and concentrate on that rather then the whole image. It is one aspect of tapestry weaving that is interesting - you really have to concentrate on particular areas. Another thing is that you think you will get one little part done and then realise that it goes over, or under, another part and that part has to be done first! That can be quite disconcerting.

mycamerandme365 said...

Rather disconcerting s you say ! I'd hate to have to undo bits after I thought that I had finished them :-)