Monday, February 28, 2011

Beauty of nature

There is to be an exhibition of RMIT students' work soon, Graphica.  I have been working on a piece for it but today I saw some chrysalises that I could have used in my design.  They are beautiful, such geometric designs.
This one insisted on making its chrysalis on the window. It is easy to see all the webbing that holds it on.

Here is a photo of the caterpillar, a week or so ago.

I don't know what sort of butterfly will emerge, I will have to keep a keen eye on it.

I also took some photos of the spiderweb anchor lines that are left up every day by the spider that builds a new web every night.  At the moment, the anchor lines are across a path that we use, so I was about to break them when I saw how they were attached.  I got so distracted by taking the photos that I forgot to break the strands.

Last week, the strands were attached to the rotary clothes line and I broke them when I turned it but they just reattached themselves to a new part of the clothes line when they drifted on the breeze.  These spiders certainly do work hard.

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