Monday, December 12, 2022

Losing Patience

 The weather has been changeable - to say the least! It was cool, thundery with hail, occasionally, and sunny. So I decided that I really didn't want to leave the fabric in the solution with the stink lilies any longer. 

I got them out and had some trouble with knowing what was what, plant or fabric. The colour has leeched out of the petals and looked a bit like the fabric, big thick petals.  

I rinsed it out, put the leftover flowers into the new green waste bin we have, and have now put the fabric on the line to dry - under cover and in the wind. 

Some of the fabrics took the purple, others have done more traditional (in my mind) eco dyeing. The one on the end is a piece of old underwear, pure silk, that already had colour, so I am not too disappointed that it didn't take the purple, it is still rather interesting. 

The two pieces that took the colour best are the lightest weight silk, the others are bits and pieces I had, don't really know what silk they are, just that they are silk. 

At the moment, I see a cloudy sky in the making, with the various greys and purples. Not sure what to do with the browner noil silk but I'm sure it will come in handy. 

Also, the date is 12/12/22. Not fabulous but ok. 

1 comment:

Mary said...

Update: when they dried out, the purple was mostly gone - a nice warm grey is left. Still could be threatening clouds.