Monday, October 17, 2022

I didn't win - but ...

I was very chuffed to be given a Highly Recommended certificate for my small fabric collage, at the Annual Members Exhibition at the EGV. (I have posted about it previously.) I had entered it in the challenge, it had to have some silk in it and was not allowed to be more than 15cm in any dimension. 

There were some gorgeous other pieces, so I feel very privileged to have been awarded the certificate. 

I might even try to make some more - after the exhibition is over and I have more time to be creative. 

The exhibition is on for another week, till October 23rd. We have had some good crowds and some slower days, probably due to all the rain we have been having and the warnings to stay off the roads if you can. Here's hoping the rain stops for a while and gives everyone a chance to recover. 


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful work. Is it for sale, and if so, where can I purchase it?

Mary said...

Thanks for the compliment. It is not available for sale anymore, sorry. The exhibition finished yesterday and it has gone to a new home. .