Thursday, March 11, 2021


I made a snap decision to go the Australian Tapestry Workshop today. I am considering starting a new piece and needed a specific blue - but I didn't take my printout of the idea so had to make a random(ish) decision about which blue I wanted. Not to worry, it is going to be an abstract piece and the colour I chose will be ok, I bought enough to keep the idea working. 

There were some interesting works on show. I love the texture of the one below.

I was also very pleased to meet a friend of mine who is doing an internship at the workshop. She is being taught by another friend! 

I could see that the architect prize pieces are being woven too. And an old winner was up also, it is huge. (You can see it on this page - assuming it doesn't change too soon. The big blue one.)

Obviously, I haven't taken enough notice of titles of pieces. I will see if I can find out more information about them. 

It was my first outing on the trams in over a year!! I used the train too, the second time in the last year. 

This time last year I was working on my Vision tapestry for the Bendigo Sheep and Wool show. The theme is the same this year, I am thinking of trying another piece on the same theme, totally different idea. It got me through the first lockdown last year, here's hoping this new work won't be needed for a similar reason!

I doubt that I will get the piece done in time for the show but I will start and see how I go. I seem to need a theme to get me going. I haven't done any weaving since I finished the piece last year. And I haven't done much sewing (apart from the blackwork embroidery course). So I am hoping to get some impetus and go on from there. 

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