Sunday, March 29, 2020

Revisiting the past

Well, what a year it is turning out to be!

Being in the social distancing period, I have started a tapestry. It was for an exhibition that I assume will not go ahead but I went with my initial idea anyway.

I was going to do an image of trees with a background that is either sunset or bushfires. It is up the viewer. I was going to call it What Do You See?

I was feeling rather stressed by the initial instructions to stay home, so have warped up the loom - it took me the usual ridiculous amount of time. I really must practise!

Then I decided to do the small tapestry hitching on. I also decided to do the image sideways, so the tree trunks would be relatively smooth.

The image changes colour all along the edge. I really didn't do a good job of making a cartoon. I have played around with several images, some from the internet, one from a photo of a piece of fabric.

I am using a piece of sewing I played around with, using the fabric and the basic idea.

I did a rough idea of what I wanted. I also found another image I might like to use and photocopied it in black and white.

So now I have a cartoon with no colour! But I started anyway, the stress of all the changes to our lives made me desperate to be deep into weaving.

Now I am making it up as I go. I think some of the colours are way too strong. But I am not going to do anything about that. It will be what it will be (as someone or other said).

I have got past the stressful hitching on, I have coloured, roughly, the cartoon (very roughly) but I am still making it up as I go.

I think the image would work much better if I turned it around and did the portrait orientation but it is too late now.

The weaving is giving me some much needed concentration that is not about COVID 19! It will serve its purpose whether the colours are right or not.

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