Monday, October 28, 2019

Free motion machine embroidery group display

It is almost November! That is the month that our free motion machine embroidery group has its display. We have had the Farmyard theme this year.
I have tried to do each month's challenge and have, finally, done each one so far. December is working dog or cat - what is a working cat??
Anyway, I suspect that I won't get to do that one. Our display has to go up next Sunday and there is not much incentive to be doing the December challenge.

I have - finally - done a Sheep/Goat image that isn't too terrible. I have tried several times and they have all been disasters. This one isn't great but it is done!
It is based on wool - coming from sheep. I love the Hedrena brand of clothing. So do the moths!! So I have plenty of pieces of clothing with holes. I decided to use some of them for the background. And the layer beneath is wool too. The sheep are made using wool wadding/batting.

The image isn't all that good but it is what I have ended up with.

Then I realised that I have one for the November challenge, something to do with water supply or windmills. I actually made this image earlier in the year, thinking it would do for the machinery theme.
So now I have made one based on a picture I took several years ago, at a weekend workshop for tapestry weaving, at Tandwancoort. It was of an abandoned car and some equipment.

I used the eucalyptus oil image transfer that I tried recently. The image didn't transfer all that well this time. It may be because the calico I used may not have been washed properly and may have still have size on it. Or I may not have done it properly. Or it just didn't remember how it worked last time.
Anyway, I have done some heavier machine sewing than I intended but it is ok.

I have framed it and tried to do a mount board frame around it. It is a while since I did the framing course and it didn't turn out all that well. But, as it isn't for sale and no-one else has to deal with it, I am just going to go with it as it is.

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