Sunday, September 1, 2019

Time for another post on 1/9/19

I was reminded today about the tapestry exhibition that is currently showing at the Handweavers and Spinners Guild rooms in Carlton North.

It is the annual challenge of the online group. The theme was Celebrate. There are approximately 50 pieces on show. It is a bright and cheery theme.

It will be there till mid-September, then move on to its next destination.

The inspiration of the yearly challenge is what I need to make me think, plan and do. I am very grateful to the ladies who arrange this every year.

Our local group also has a few pieces up. Some of our members gave a talk about tapestry weaving to the general meeting of the guild a couple of weeks ago.
I am often surprised that members of the guild do not know what tapestry weaving is - then I realise that I don't really know what inkle weaving is, and I don't know how to spin and dye my own wool (theoretically, I do, practically, I don't).
So it is good to be able to share the different practices of members.

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