Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November already.

 Well, I have to post today, 2/11/22.

I have started a new small tapestry. It is for the challenge that is posted around Australia, for different groups to see up close during 2023. The people who have organised it in the past have decided not to continue. Fortunately, someone has volunteered to take it on for at least another year. I really appreciate that as this challenge has given me the impetus to do a small weaving for many years now. 

It has to be finished by the end of February. That should be plenty of time but I have a habit of making one and then deciding I don't like it (example here), then doing another. So I need to give myself plenty of time! 

So far, I have warped up the loom, put in some waste yarn and done the double half-hitches. One of our group mentioned that she had seen that some people use sewing thread for that stage, so I have given it a try. Hope it works!! If it does, it will give the tapestry a different look along the edges. More even, I hope. 

If it doesn't work, I'll have to think of a way to finish it off!!

I  also wove a bit of the design, decided I had done it wrong, pulled it out and have done the same again. I think. I am not using a very good cartoon, am hoping to work it out as I go. It is a very simple geometric design, using 3 colours and a background. (4 colours, I suppose.)


My back is giving me trouble at the moment, it always gives me trouble when I start weaving again, so I am not sure how much progress I will make over the next few days - one can only hope it isn't too bad. 

The theme is Where Threads Meet. I had all sorts of ideas but have settled on a, hopefully, very simple design using my interest in how colours are affected by the colours surrounding them. Let's hope it works. 

It is only supposed to be 20cm square, or less. That should give me time to play around with it and then make another if I feel like it. 

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