Friday, November 11, 2022

We have some stink lilies in the garden - well named! They are just starting to flower. I have taken the stamen out - it is the stinky part.
It is also known as Dracunculus vulgaris.

Now I am wondering if I will be able to dye some fabric with the flower. I have posted on an Eco Dyeing FaceBook page to ask if anyone has any knowledge about this but no answers so far. 
I have also been looking up old notes I have on mordanting silk and then using plants. Will have a go this weekend - maybe. 

I am trying to reinvigorate my interest in dyeing. Hope it works out. No plans for using the silk, it is just that the flowers are so amazing that I feel I really ought to try. And silk sounds like the easiest fabric to try. 

If I get some reasonable results, I may tear up the silk and weave with it - who knows?? I haven't really looked at what silk I have. It has been years since I have dyed silk, so here's hoping I still have appropriate fabric. 

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