Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Day 2022

Well, how time has rushed by! 

Happy Christmas to you - wherever you are, whatever conditions are dominant. 

I took some photos recently, of the hydrangeas that are in a pot at our front door. I take photos most years as they are gorgeous and always remind me that Christmas is coming! 

We have had some unseasonably cold weather leading up to Christmas and I was wondering if the flowers were affected, they were rather pale. 

The weather has warmed up (it was hot today - all of a sudden, we haven't had a good chance to get used to the hotter weather) and the flowers have changed colour.

They also let you know when they are thirsty - I love that they revive when you water them, that it isn't too late. 

The dark hollyhocks are in flower again too. I cannot resist picking the ones that are shrivelling. I may have to find some fabric to dye - again. They give a good colour usually. I haven't dyed with them, or anything much, for ages (exception was the stink lily recently but that was just using leftover bits and pieces of silk). 

Fortunately, it will be the summer holidays and I 'should' have time to play around. Just need the energy. 

I am trying to do some tapestry weaving, will post about that another day - maybe this year, maybe next year!

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