Saturday, December 10, 2022

Another mildly interesting date - 10/12/22.

 What to post about?? 

Our local tapestry group was supposed to meet for the last time this year today. But the trains were not running normally for three of our participants who travel a fair distance, another has had a recent operation and another has a broken ankle. So we decided not to meet. Hopefully we will be better (health-wise and organised) next year. 

I have joined a small group that meets fortnightly to do paper collages and we have been asked to make a piece for one other person in the group. We meet next Thursday. I thought I had better get going, in case anything comes up during the week. So I did some at home today - very rare for me, I usually only do it at the cafe. 

I did the Christmas one and then one about summer - our last theme that hardly anyone worked on when we last met - we didn't seem to be in the mood. 

I find that I don't have a preconceived idea, I just flip through the magazines and catalogues and let the images suggest themselves. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. (And now that I am looking at the photo, rather than the actual piece, I can see that I didn't stick it straight - bother!)

It is that time of year when you start to think about what to do in January, when nothing much is happening. Hopefully, the lovely cool summer weather we are having in our part of the world will continue and I won't feel too wiped out. I did hear that it might reach 48° in the Pilbara today - that lots of areas in Australia are having a heat wave. So strange to think that we are having such different weather down south. 

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