Saturday, December 17, 2022

Trying to get motivated

 I have warped up a loom!! Hooray - I think.

I had an in-person meeting with my tapestry weaving group in November, we tried to meet in December but circumstances decided otherwise. Train disruptions, Covid, broken bones and surgery meant that several members could not attend. 

At our last in-person meeting, I had been enthused about buying some coloured warp. Yesterday I actually used some of the warp thread that I had ordered. Then I realised that is would give me a coloured edge! Not a huge problem but something to consider. 

I have a vague plan for my next piece - the theme is Where Threads Meet. Not a theme that speaks to me. But I decided to have a play around. I have warped up the loom. I even put in a coloured floor - then realised that it will be pulled out and I hadn't needed to use the coloured warp. Oh well, live and learn. 

Today I started to weave - using a very vague plan, if you could actually call it a plan. 

Then I saw a piece that a friend had woven and given to me and I decided I might like to try that idea - which totally doesn't work with my 'plan'. So I have temporarily stopped. But I think I will just keep on weaving and hope that something eventuates. 

I came across a whole lot of yarns that are not specifically for tapestry weaving but that I have had for years and not used. So they have become my 'plan'. I'll start weaving and see what develops - hopefully something doable. 

Just in case I need to use ATW yarns, I have got some out, in the colourway that I think I am going to end up with. Do you get the feeling that this is not a very well-planned piece? I don't care!!

I am also going to to use some yarns that have been saved from previous weavings, waste not want not. 

It sounds random, and is, but it is a start - and it is getting me weaving. 

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