Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A silk paper bowl

As I am demonstrating machine free motion embroidery at the Embroiderers Guild, Victoria tomorrow, I thought I would have a play with something a bit different - for me. It is our annual members' exhibition.

I took some old works when I demonstrated on Sunday and people were interested to see all the things you can do with free motion embroidery.

I made a little bowl for the Challenge, Altered Art, and thought I would try something similar. I also met the person who bought my thread bowl from last year's exhibition. I tried making another on Sunday but it hasn't turned out quite right, I think I needed to do more sewing on the upright bits. So I may choose to try another tomorrow, see if I can work out what went wrong.

But I also tried something different today: I had some silk paper that I had made recently. It was just big enough for the template I had for making a fabric bowl.

I put it in the hoop, with the design drawn on some soluble fabric, and did some freehand drawing. The soluble fabric helps to stiffen the bowl a bit too.
I thought I would need to disguise the seams of the sections so make them into tree trunks. It has worked but I think, if I do another, that the trunks need to be a bit slimmer.

Still, it was a challenge for me and I am moderately happy with it. It is not very big as the silk paper I had wasn't very big, nor was the template.

The thing I like about this technique is that you can see the sewing on both sides of the bowl and the bowl is a little bit translucent.

I may try a slightly different template, see if I can get the tops of the sides to flare out a little more.

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