Saturday, October 19, 2019

Random stuff

It being 19/10/19, I have to post.
I was at the second last day of the Embroiderers Guild's Members' Exhibition, so no  textile photos from today.
So ...
Here are some images of the lemon scented eucalyptus. The first picture is from July, the others are today. Different light makes such a difference!!



The fruit bats are visiting it overnight, it is in bloom. The rainbow lorikeets are here during the day - along with many other birds. We seem to have quite a variety visiting at this time of the year.

Also, it is spring, allergy time! But there are some gorgeous flowers around.
This is one example of many rings of flowers at a local park. Could be inspiration for a textile bowl, they form a bowl-like structure with the leaves, then the flowers come later.

It is also time for the sunflower seeds to be planted. I had some last year but they didn't grow, probably not helped by the fact that I was away for all of November. So we are trying again. 

They have a grid over them because the birds like to dig and see what is there!

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