Monday, June 24, 2024

Still June - 24/6/24

 Well, I have been trying to get motivated and have something on the go - it may be a total failure but at least I am doing something.

I have gone away for a few days in the hopes of actually sewing rather than fiddling around the place thinking of things I 'should' be doing. 

The EGV is having its annual members exhibition later this year - later than usual, October. The theme is Making Waves, There are so many ideas I have had. I decided not to do waves breaking on the beach - now I am doing exactly that!! But they are not big waves, my idea is based on the moon causing tides, so I have a seascape based on that. 

So far it is rather rough and ready. And ... I am doing it all by hand!! Not my usual thing at all. 

I have used scraps of fabric I had saved from other projects - never throw anything away - which is all fine and good until you realise you have collected a lot of stuff and, one day, someone may have to deal with it. Hopefully, that someone will be me doing a clean-out but it is getting to the stage where some serious destashing 'should' happen, 

Here is the WIP. I may decide I hate it but that is for a later day's decision.

In other news, I have been accepted for the Kate Derrum Award exhibition at the Australian Tapestry Workshop. It opens in July. Here is a list of the entrants who were accepted. I know a lot of the names, some online ones and some personally. Looking forward to the opening night!!

My piece is Labyrinth. It is a finger labyrinth but I doubt that anyone will be allowed to handle it at the exhibition! 

This piece was done a few months ago so my focus in now on the embroidery. 

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