Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Had to post today - due to the date.

 It is 4/6/24. (4x6=24, in case you wondered.)

Must do a post today, even though there is nothing much to say.

I was at the Embroiderers Guild today. The ATAA exhibition is down and gone! 

There is now a display of works done by the front room, library and gallery volunteers. I am one of them so have put in a piece. There are not a lot of piece, I suspect some volunteers did not bring in their work. But the ones that are there are lovely. (Surely we have more volunteers than that!!)

I am trying to come up with an embroidery for the upcoming EGV members' exhibition. The theme is Making Waves, which gives me so many ideas - not just waves in the ocean, or water, but sound waves, light waves, gravity from the moon causing tides, people causing trouble (a matter of opinion if it is really trouble), etc. Then, if I do come up with an image, I have to decide what technique to try!! It is making me think but not DO!!

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