Sunday, June 30, 2024

30/6/24 the end of the financial year!

 We have been inundated with EOFY sales lately - some are being extended into the new financial year - lucky us.

As I wrote the date this morning, in my morning journal, I noticed that 30 - 6 = 24. I think it is the first subtraction I have done with dates - how exciting!!

Anyway, since it is such an interesting day, I thought I had better post. 

I have a photo from a week or so ago. It was a cold and foggy morning and I saw a lovely spider web. 

Winter is upon us - I did read that it is the driest start to winter we have had here for a few years (they quoted as far back as 2017! (I think I must be getting old - that doesn't actually seem that far back!)

But we had snowfall in the mountains, so people will be happy if they have gone to ski in the school holidays. 

I went away for a few days last week and walked my favourite trail - the Aqueduct trail above Warburton. I saw this amazing fungus growing on a fallen tree. 

I have managed to do a little bit more on my Making Waves piece - all hand embroidery, so I am being rather slow. It doesn't look all that different but I'll post anyway. 

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