Sunday, June 30, 2024

30/6/24 the end of the financial year!

 We have been inundated with EOFY sales lately - some are being extended into the new financial year - lucky us.

As I wrote the date this morning, in my morning journal, I noticed that 30 - 6 = 24. I think it is the first subtraction I have done with dates - how exciting!!

Anyway, since it is such an interesting day, I thought I had better post. 

I have a photo from a week or so ago. It was a cold and foggy morning and I saw a lovely spider web. 

Winter is upon us - I did read that it is the driest start to winter we have had here for a few years (they quoted as far back as 2017! (I think I must be getting old - that doesn't actually seem that far back!)

But we had snowfall in the mountains, so people will be happy if they have gone to ski in the school holidays. 

I went away for a few days last week and walked my favourite trail - the Aqueduct trail above Warburton. I saw this amazing fungus growing on a fallen tree. 

I have managed to do a little bit more on my Making Waves piece - all hand embroidery, so I am being rather slow. It doesn't look all that different but I'll post anyway. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Still June - 24/6/24

 Well, I have been trying to get motivated and have something on the go - it may be a total failure but at least I am doing something.

I have gone away for a few days in the hopes of actually sewing rather than fiddling around the place thinking of things I 'should' be doing. 

The EGV is having its annual members exhibition later this year - later than usual, October. The theme is Making Waves, There are so many ideas I have had. I decided not to do waves breaking on the beach - now I am doing exactly that!! But they are not big waves, my idea is based on the moon causing tides, so I have a seascape based on that. 

So far it is rather rough and ready. And ... I am doing it all by hand!! Not my usual thing at all. 

I have used scraps of fabric I had saved from other projects - never throw anything away - which is all fine and good until you realise you have collected a lot of stuff and, one day, someone may have to deal with it. Hopefully, that someone will be me doing a clean-out but it is getting to the stage where some serious destashing 'should' happen, 

Here is the WIP. I may decide I hate it but that is for a later day's decision.

In other news, I have been accepted for the Kate Derrum Award exhibition at the Australian Tapestry Workshop. It opens in July. Here is a list of the entrants who were accepted. I know a lot of the names, some online ones and some personally. Looking forward to the opening night!!

My piece is Labyrinth. It is a finger labyrinth but I doubt that anyone will be allowed to handle it at the exhibition! 

This piece was done a few months ago so my focus in now on the embroidery. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Had to post today - due to the date.

 It is 4/6/24. (4x6=24, in case you wondered.)

Must do a post today, even though there is nothing much to say.

I was at the Embroiderers Guild today. The ATAA exhibition is down and gone! 

There is now a display of works done by the front room, library and gallery volunteers. I am one of them so have put in a piece. There are not a lot of piece, I suspect some volunteers did not bring in their work. But the ones that are there are lovely. (Surely we have more volunteers than that!!)

I am trying to come up with an embroidery for the upcoming EGV members' exhibition. The theme is Making Waves, which gives me so many ideas - not just waves in the ocean, or water, but sound waves, light waves, gravity from the moon causing tides, people causing trouble (a matter of opinion if it is really trouble), etc. Then, if I do come up with an image, I have to decide what technique to try!! It is making me think but not DO!!