Friday, October 14, 2022

Look what I saw today!!

 I was getting my train ticket ready to touch off at the station and just had to hold up the other passenger - there was only one other - while I took this photo. 

It was on the ticket machine and stayed there long enough for me to get the picture. Isn't it gorgeous??

I had been in to the city and saw the small exhibition at the Melbourne City Library - in passing. It had not been my destination. 

It was based on spooky images, probably because Halloween is coming up (not that we have ever celebrated it). I really liked this image. Simple but effective. 

Just saw the photo here, not so effective, you can't see the tiny figure under the giant feathers! Ah well, you'll just have to go and see it for yourself. Also, I can't find a link online, so can't tell you about the artist.

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