Monday, August 8, 2022

August already

 I noticed the date as I was writing in my daily journal this morning.: 8/8/22. 

I seem to remember that the Olympics in China had a lot of 8s in the date - it being a lucky number. 

Nothing much to report. 

I was asked to do a quilt for a relative last week - rather exciting as it gives me a reason to do it! And know that it is wanted. 

I am currently trying to use up some of the fabrics I have - some are about 20 years old!

I had a colourful piece of fabric that was 'just' enough for the main focus squares, then I got into my scraps stash and made the other blocks. 

I hope they like bright!

I did actually have to buy some fabric for the borders and the backing but I will get more left-over pieces from them, to be used in a future piece. And plain fabric is cheaper than the patterned ones. 

It is actually quite good to have been asked, it has made me look at patchwork again. 

I am going to stick to easy patterns. I found a couple of books (one from the destash day at the Embroiderers Guild, Victoria, Australia (we have to put Australia these days as there is a guild in Canada that is also the Embroiderers Guild, Victoria)). It cost me $2!!

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