Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Trying new idea

 I saw the date and that inspired me to post: 14/7/21. Divisible by 7 (in case you didn't know!)

I made some cut-out little grevillea pieces a while ago and then couldn't decide what to do with them. My original idea was based on an article I saw in a New Zealand quilting magazine years ago. But I didn't read it properly and my pieces were not going to work as well. So I put it aside. 

Then I was going through notes from workshops I did. I found one folder from an Olga Walters workshop that I did at the Embroiderers Guild, Victoria (Australia). Also years ago. 

So I have come up with a little pouch, possibly a phone bag. I didn't really think about how to put it together, I was just seeing if I could make one. Now I have to decide how to make it fasten. 

The grevillea flower fits quite well on the back. It doesn't go so well on the front so I am leaving that for the moment. 

I was at the Alcove Art Shop on Monday and saw a couple of other phone bags and am thinking to try different ways to fasten it which may allow me to have my little grevillea pieces on front and back. 

I'll have a play around with some more ideas over the next week or so. 

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