Sunday, April 5, 2020

Working on the tapestry.

Another interesting date (to me, anyway): 5/4/20

We were notified this week that the Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show will not go ahead. Not a surprise. Everything is being cancelled or postponed.

I have decided to go ahead with the tapestry however. It is engrossing to do and is keeping my mind off having to stay home, not seeing family and friends, not being at certain events, etc.

I spend at least an hour each day on it and it is growing. It probably would have grown faster if I had done a proper cartoon but I didn't, so I have to just get over it. And pull out sections from time to time - every day.

As I am doing it sideways, I take photos regularly so I can turn them around and see how it is looking. 
I think I need to tone down the very deep red and purple sections, will experiment with that tomorrow.
I am just using wool that I have, not buying. I think I could get some online (haven't actually checked that) but I don't want to start buying online, that could become an addiction.
I usually buy from the Australian Tapestry Workshop but, of course, it isn't open. I just love going in and seeing all the gorgeous colours!

1 comment:

mycamerandme365 said...

That's looking very good Mary, well done. I replied at length on my Blog to your message regarding dogs and Crepe Myrtles, but when I hit post, it disappeared! I have meant to say it all again in an email, but just haven't done it yet, but I will!