Friday, January 31, 2025

I almost forgot!

A week or so ago, I just had to do some eco-dyeing - our hollyhocks have been flowering and dropping beautifully dark flowers. I collected them over a couple of weeks and put them in the freezer. Some were left to dry and then put in the freezer. It wasn't intentional to let them dry, it just happened with the very warm days. 

I used India Flint's book - ECO DYEING - especially her bit about freezing the organic material because it gives good colour. 

I actually had some flowers in the freezer from last summer, possibly the one previous too. 

I decided to use some bits of silk that I have had in the cupboard, some scraps and some complete scarves. I used vinegar as my mordant. 

Following the instructions (which I can do sometimes) I made a dye bath.                                                       

I put the fabric in and got some pale pink results. I had put the flowers into an old pair of pantyhose. 

I squeezed the colour out as much as I could. When I had finished with it, I put it aside. It still had colour in the flowers, which surprised me. 

I put the fabric in the dye bath and left it for a day or so. 

When I took it out it was pink but not very strongly coloured. 

However, I had noticed that the flowers still had colour and I didn't want to waste it - so I found some scraps of various types of silk and did a contact dye, rolling the fabrics over the flowers. 

The results were quite different - some were the same pale  pink, others took the colour really strongly! The best piece is an old chemise that was no longer wearable. It was already a brown silk so that must have affected the dye. Now to decide what to do with these pieces. 

There was still a little bit of colour in the dyebath and I couldn't resist seeing if I could get some more colour from it. I had a rather large square scarf and put it in the jar. Then I put it in the glasshouse to keep it warm. Then I forgot about it!

I was reminded today that I had left the scarf soaking in the leftover dye from the hollyhock dyeing. It had been in the glasshouse that has no plants in it at the moment as it gets too hot at this time of the year.

It is going to be very hot in the next few days, so it was good to get it out this evening. 

If I had wanted a grey scarf with some random brown stains, I would say it was a success! 

However, that was not the aim, so I might try some overdyeing. 

I walked the dog a couple of days ago in a park I haven't visited for ages. The eucalyptus trees are throwing off their bark in the summer. I used to collect it when I walked there with our previous dog. The bark can give some gorgeous colours. Eucalyptus leaves also give great colours. AND they don't need mordant! So I might give it a go in the coming days - if I can be bothered going out in the heat to collect the bark and leaves. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

January 2025

 Well, I meant to do a post yesterday, it being 24/1/25 but I didn't. So now I am doing one on 25/1/25. 

I have been working on a small tapestry for a while now. Didn't do any for 5 days last week!! 

Have done a bit more today - now I have an iffy back - I will try to exercise a bit more tomorrow. 

I thought I would be ok with this part of the tapestry but, somehow, I have managed to make this section a bit more complicated than I had anticipated. Not to worry, I will keep working on it. My image allows for some 'creative interpretation' and I am taking advantage of it. 

It is forecast to be 42 degrees on Monday so I anticipate a day at home! Here's hoping I have the energy to do some more weaving. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

2025 already!!

 It's already a week into the new year!! 

We have been having some very hot days plus cooler but still quite warm days - perfect for staying indoors and trying to be creative - which can be very trying!

I am currently working on a small tapestry for the theme The Secret Garden. I have an image that I am using as my inspiration. 

I have cropped it to the 20cm x 20cm size. Then I traced it to be the cartoon. 

This wasn't a great help, especially as I decided to us some green warp that I had the not-so-bright idea of using. It is extremely hard to see the markings. 

I got quite lost in some spots, especially when trying to put in the gate. So now I have yet another cartoon with some colouring-in. 

Also, I am doing is sideways as I thought it would be easier to do the fenceposts straight. It is certainly occupying my mind! No other thoughts come in while I am working on this. 

As I currently have a bit of a sore back, sitting for too long causes delayed discomfort, so I am trying to do little bursts of weaving. 
I am also trying to use stuff that I already have - no buying more yarn at the moment. And ... I am using up a little bit of the novelty yarns I have. I know a couple of people who will hate that I am using it but I like it - it is giving me texture and hiding mistakes! But differentiating between all the different parts of the wisteria is a bit of a challenge.