Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Embroiderers Guild Victoria Annual Exhibition

 I haven't posted for quite a while - partly because I haven't been all that creative. However, I have done three pieces for the upcoming exhibition.  

The theme was Making Waves and there have been quite interesting interpretations - some about the ocean, waterways, airwaves, sound waves, etc. 

One thing I like about the members' exhibition is that you do not have to do the theme, you can put in any work you have done over the past two years (and they can have been in other exhibitions, just not the EGV one).  There are quite a few beautiful pieces that are not theme-based. 

This week we received entries and have put them up, almost ready for the opening night on Friday. 

It was a great team effort and we are very happy with the look of it. 

The exhibition runs from October 12 -27, 10am till 3 pm daily. Some members have volunteered to demonstrate various techniques each day. I have volunteered but am a bit concerned about what I will demonstrate as my sewing machine has broken down and is in for repairs! I might have to (gasp) do some hand embroidery!!