Sunday, October 1, 2023

Another labyrinth

 I am playing around with another small tapestry. I am using a different style of labyrinth, more fluid and it is turning out to be more of a challenge than I had thought - if I had actually thought about it properly.

I had a couple of ideas of how to colour the piece. (I originally thought I would use my yellow warp - that didn't happen, I used some green warp that I bought at the same time and it has greatly influenced my colour choices.)

Then I started weaving and it is not at all like the original plan!! So now my cartoon is simply black and white. 

The main colours are grass and weeds and dried up plants - very Australian. I see some labyrinths in reality and they are not lush and well looked after, not the ones I have visited. So I am claiming to be inspired by local labyrinths. 

I am going for rough ground around the labyrinth and a smoother path inside. 

As I drew up the design, I wasn't all that careful - I am still in that mode of having to be doing something rather than wanting to be producing a perfect piece. The making is more important than the product. 

So the lines outlining the path are a bit wonky but I think that is ok, just part of the journey. The design is curved, not something I am all that good with in tapestry weaving. 

It is turning out to be a challenge to have enough bobbins for all the different sections. I hadn't realised that that nice continuous line of the pathway isn't actually going to be doable when you are working in horizontal lines - I need several bobbins to do each iteration of the walls. 

I am also using up some old bits and pieces of yarn that I have had for years, trying to use them up. 

It is a small warp, only three bits of ATW yarns as my main measure. Seine twine 12/6. Some of the novelty yarns are a bit thicker but I just go with the flow. 

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