Thursday, March 2, 2023

Sunflowers and lorikeets

Another date: 2/3/23.

 I belong to a small group that posts online about their sunflower growing. 

My 4 plants seemed to have had their day a few weeks ago but this week there was some extra colour - rainbow lorikeets eating the seeds - and making a bit of a mess. 

I am hoping to start a new small tapestry soon. My design is the same as the previous one, just different colours. I expect I will not follow the design all that closely, it is just a starting point really. 

I am thinking to use yellows, greens and blues. As I was walking recently, I came across a leaf that I will keep with me for inspiration (no blue, of course, but the yellows and greens are lovely). 

I may try for another leaf tapestry but think I would rather a leaf with warmer, and more, colours. Here is the one that inspired me last time.

Here is the tapestry - I can't see any earlier posts about it. 

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