Saturday, January 14, 2023

Almost finished.

I hid in the house with the cooling on this afternoon and worked on finishing off the small tapestry. I have finished the weaving and the hitching off, now it is loosened on the loom so that it can 'rest' and be ready to cut off. 

I'll cut it off tomorrow and see if one of my ideas will work. I have done some areas that might be able to be pulled down and loosened, to give a bit of texture. But I have also experimented with doing a cotton sewing thread hitching off and I am not sure if that will grip too well for this technique to work. Time will tell - as long as I don't botch it up and have it half-textured!

My ruler tells me the piece is straight but my eye disagrees. Another thing to check once it is off the loom and tidied up. There will be a couple more hours of work to go - it isn't finished when you stop working on the loom!

It doesn't have any relation to what I thought I would come up with - probably because I didn't really have a good idea of what I was trying to achieve! I enjoyed the process though, so that is a bonus. 

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