Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Workshop at Ballarat 2014 - part 3

Our third design exercise was very simple.  We had another rectangle of black paper that we cut through. We had to look at the spaces between each piece as well as the angles of the cuts. It was surprising how often we tended to make the spaces the same dimensions, not good for the design process.

Once again, we traced the designs into our books for posterity. I didn't make print blocks from this exercise but the opportunity is still there.

Once we had made our print blocks, we painted them with acrylic paint and printed onto cartridge paper, newspaper, pages torn from books, maps, etc.
When the paint was dry, we put procion dyes onto the paper. The acrylic paint resists the dyes so that the printing is clear.

We were encouraged to use foreign language newspapers too, especially if they had non-latin alphabets. 
This was the end of one part of the process. 
I had worried about posting Kim's teaching but it is all there on her blog with our work. So I feel free to continue.

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