Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hot Stuff workshop with Neroli Henderson

ATASDA, the Victorian group, had it's first workshop this month.  Neroli Henderson was introducing us to using synthetic fabrics and using heat to distort them
We started of with Tyvek, painting it and then sewing, if we felt like it.  Then we ironed it and it distorted.  As this is a totally new technique for me, I was not sure what would happen and was not able to predict and try to control it.  Neroli told us that it is unpredictable even when you have some experience, so I will have to experiment a bit more to get some idea of what to expect even if I can't absolutely control it.

This is my sample.  As you can see, I did some sewing at one end but I am not sure if there is a difference because of that or not.  I used an iron that had been set quite high and the bottom edge of the image was the first bit.  It distorted quickly.  I then lowered the setting and don't know if that caused the difference or if the sewing did.  I used Lumiere fabric paints which have mica in them, causing some of the darker areas.

We then played with various layers of synthetic fabrics, free motion sewing and a heat gun.  Some ladies tried very intricate images, I just mucked around.
Here are some images of before and after the heat gun.

Here's mine.  The shiny bits are Textiva.  
We had a few very strict safety rules: to NEVER point the heat gun at a person; to wear a gas mask (even though we worked outdoors); to use the wooden tool to keep our fingers away from the heat.

I like some of the effects and the unpredictability of the process.  I am currently very interested in layering my work, so it suits that.  But I don't really like the actual feel of the fabric after is has been heat treated, it is usually very hard.  I'll have to think about where I might use it and how much handling it would get.

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