Monday, July 25, 2011

looking through my pictures

I'm still going over my photos from my trip - I have over 800 so it could take a while.  I have some of Hyde Park, the first few days I was there.  I arrived in London at about 5.30am and couldn't get my room till about 12.30pm, after a 24 hour trip (approximately).  I had managed to sleep a little on the plane but was keen to get out and about, be in the sunshine as much as possible and then get into my room and sleep.
As I got to my hotel at about 7 am and nothing seemed to be open till 10, I decided to go for a walk in Hyde Park, which was very near my bed and breakfast hotel.
I have never seen Hyde Park in summer, it was beautiful.  I walked around it on several days, all of them sunny and summery.  I couldn't get over the size of the trees, so many of them were huge.  Another lovely sight was the workers setting off through such a lovely space - what a great way to start your working day.

On another day I was filling in some time (I hadn't adjusted to the time difference and things aren't open early) and just happened to be passing when this publicity shot was being set up.  Magic.

I then turned around to walk on and came across a rider training his horse in some sort of dressage stepping - I can't remember what it is called, it is like the Lipizanner horses.

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