Thursday, June 10, 2010

36 covers for one book!

I am reading The Lady and the Unicorn, by Tracey Chavelier, and decided to put it on my LibraryThing - which I have never really engaged with properly.  But I was amazed to see that it has thirty-six covers!!!  Here is a link to see them all.
I am reading it because one of the ladies in my tapestry class has lent it to me.  I am struggling with it a bit as I am finding all the different points of view hard to read.  Each chapter is written in the first person but  is from the viewpoint of a different character.  However, there is some fascinating information about tapestry weaving in the story.
I remember reading a book by Roberta Gellis that had a main character who was a tapestry weaver.  I will have to read it again and see how my newfound knowledge of tapestry weaving affects my reading of it.
It is a very long time since I have read it and I seem to remember that it had some element of fantasy in it as the weaving had some relation to the future in it.  All very vague, I know.  But it is a long time since I have read it.  The book is called A Tapestry of Dreams and was published in 1985.  I think I may have read it that long ago!
I know I loved some of Roberta Gellis' books but this was not one of my favourites.  My favourites were the Roselynd chronicles which had lots of historical research and gave a fascinating view of England in the time of King Stephen.

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