Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May is nearly over!!

I was just having a look at my blog - haven't visited it for almost a month!! 

I haven't been feeling very creative so haven't had a lot to post - but ...

I attended the  opening of the Alcove Shop's winter exhibition last night - it is on for a few weeks. I have been the artist of the month and still have several pieces in the shop. I also found a couple of parasols I had fun with a few years ago (I just looked up how long ago - quite a while!). The theme for the current exhibition was Bizzarre, so I thought they might fit. 

I have also been helping out with the ATAA textile award exhibition at the EGV building. It is on till next Sunday. So I have been with some creative people and am hoping that some of their creativity will rub off on me!

The EGV annual exhibition is on in October, the theme is Making Waves. I have had lots of thoughts about how that could be interpreted but then I have to work out which idea appeals most and then what technique would work best for me. So still thinking, not doing.